The Graphical User Interface.
Time for a Paradigm Shift?

References 1 The Structure of Scientific Revolutions, 1962, Thomas S. Kuhn,
The University of Chicago Press, p 12.
2 ibid., p 84
3 ibid., p 121

4 Vannevar Bush, As we may think. Atlantic Monthly. (July 1945), p 101-108.

5 Theodor Holm Nelson, Computer Lib / Dream Machines; Redmond, WA; Tempus Books 1987


7 Official statement on Applešs OSX website
8 ibid.

9 OSX: A First Look Bruce Tognazzini, Jan 17, 2000.
10 ibid.

11 Apple Computer. Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines.
Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1992. p7-8.

12 Donald A. Norman, Why interfaces donšt work in: The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design; 1990;
Timothy Leary, edited by Brenda Laurel; Addison-Wesley Publishing Company; p 209 ff.

13 Apple Computer. Macintosh Human Interface Guidelines;
Addison-Wesley, Reading, Mass., 1992; p 11.

14 Donald A. Norman, Why interfaces donšt work in: The Art of Human-Computer Interface Design; 1990;
Timothy Leary, edited by Brenda Laurel; Addison-Wesley Publishing Company; p 209 ff.

15 OSX: A First Look Bruce Tognazzini, Jan 17, 2000.

16 Jean Louise Gassée, Howard Rheingold : The Evolution of Thinking Tools in:
The Art of Human- Computer Interface Design; 1990; Timothy Leary,
edited by Brenda Laurel; Addison-Wesley Publishing Company; p 225 ff.

17 Theodor Holm Nelson, The Right Way to Think About Software Design in:
The Art of Human- Computer Interface Design; 1990; Timothy Leary,
edited by Brenda Laurel; Addison-Wesley Publishing Company; p 235 ff.

18 Don Gentner and Jakob Nielsen, The Anti-Mac Interface August 1996.
19 ibid.

20 Don Gentner and Jakob Nielsen, The Anti-Mac Interface August 1996.
21, 22, 23 ibid.

References Further online reading

GUI timeline

An Unofficial History of Graphical User Interfaces

Microsoft, Apple and Xerox

Ivan Sutherland
